Final Announcement AEC Member Selection 2015 Batch 1
Dear fellas,
We are proud to announce 15 names written below as the new member of Airlangga Equine Club (AEC). They have successfully complete all the requirements, meet the criterias and pass the interview session with high marks.
1. Novi Dwi Ardiyanti 2. Malika Ulin Nuha 3. Jenny Melinda 4. Dimas Novianto 5. Agastya Tri Kurniawan 6. Guido Vilemon Meko 7. Alya Miranti 8. Muhammad Thareq Ibrahim 9. Risyaf Wahyu Ramadani 10. Hiryanda Noer Viranti 11. Rana Salsabila Salam 12. Ivo Febrina Prasetyo 13. Mesia Margi Mahardika 14. Devi Oktamirsela Siregar 15. Denisa Rosandra
Congratulations to all selected students. We are very excited to meet you and looking forward to your participations in AEC activity. Welcome to AEC!