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Round 1 AEC Member Selection (Batch 1)

Congratulations! The names mentioned below are candidates who passed the online registration and admnistrative selection:

1. Hiryanda Noer Viranti

2. Yusuf Eko Hari Prasetyo

3. Novi Dwi Ardiyanti

4. Elok Setyorini

5. Muhammad Thareq Ibrahim

6. Muchammad Achsinul Fikri Ma'ruf

7. Rama Putra Juwansyah Z

8. Rana Salsabila Salam

9. Jenny Melinda

10. Dimas Novianto

11. Yoana Cynthia Jun

12. Hefi Choirun Nisa 13. Bayu Aji Prasojo

14. Risyaf Wahyu Rahmadani

15. Alya Miranti

16. Kurnia Winda Pratiwi

17. Raden Mohammad Ragil Andyra

18. Ishabella Octaviani

19. Agastya Tri Kurniawan

20. Ivo Febrina Prasetyo

21. M. Ulin Nuha

22. Muhammad Reza

23. Guido Vilemon Meko

24. Mesia Margi Mahardika

25. Devi Oktamirsela Siregar

26. M Rizqi Saputra

27. Denisa Rosandra

Interview will be held on May 17, 2015.

For further information please contact us

081911660320 | Danto

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Airlangga Equine Club

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Kampus C Universitas Airlangga 

Mulyorejo, Surabaya

East Java 60115

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